Friday, October 24, 2008

Thurs night hookups!

Thursday night really is a good night for hooking up! So, I decided to go ahead and clean up my apartment, just to be optimistic, before heading out last night. It ended up being so fun, as a few friends actually joined me (as opposed to when I can't find anyone to go out with me so I will just go alone which is a tad loserish, I must admit.)

But the tough part about being in a group is the loss of flexibility and freedom. You see, my target gentleman for the night (the one I wanna hook up with but am just not that excited about), went to a different place around midnight or so, and my group did not want to trek all the way over there. And due to the old "bros before hoes" mentality, I stayed with them; we went to another nearby bar and had a grand old time. (And actually I gave my number to the bartender who we met there, which is good b/c he seems like the type that could really rough me up, you know?)

So anyway, the time is getting close to 2, I am ready to throw in the towel on the "action" portion of the night, ready to walk home to my abnormally clean apartment alone. But then a miracle happens - I look down at my phone and I see 1 missed call, 1 new text!

Missed call: "K" ("K" is a young adorable ivy league recent grad who I met in Georgetown, of course. Just met - nothing more, b/c I was hosting a friend from out of town the night we met.) It was a good month ago, and we haven't met up again since - not for lack of trying but for lack of trying very much.

Text: "Are you on ______ street right now?" (I was!) All my friends had left or were about to leave right then, so I immediatley called him and told him that YES! I was in fact where he thought I was. Turns out he had passed by and thought he saw me. Sooooo we met a few blocks away, and seeing as how his place was a bit closer, we went there.

Here's the review: Cute guy, tall, preppy - so definitely attractive but not the type that really gets me goin (Im more into the rugged manly men), really great personality, I know, I know, that sounds weird b/c I am sposed to be describing hooking up with him but I think its cool when the guy is actually smart/funny/can carry on a convo either before/after/during if the need should arise. In terms of the fun factor, well it has been awhile for me (almost 2 weeks) so I was happy just to be doing it, but I will say that his style was a tad more ... traditional than I really care for. But it was our first time and I can understand why he'd play it safe and not wanna do anything too weird.

So, in conclusion: last night was hopefully the first step to solidify a regular, comfortable, hookup relationship with a smart, attractive, and conveniently located guy. See - a girl really can have it all - a fun night out with friends and some end of the night fun with one lucky guy!

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