Friday, October 24, 2008

Thurs night hookups!

Thursday night really is a good night for hooking up! So, I decided to go ahead and clean up my apartment, just to be optimistic, before heading out last night. It ended up being so fun, as a few friends actually joined me (as opposed to when I can't find anyone to go out with me so I will just go alone which is a tad loserish, I must admit.)

But the tough part about being in a group is the loss of flexibility and freedom. You see, my target gentleman for the night (the one I wanna hook up with but am just not that excited about), went to a different place around midnight or so, and my group did not want to trek all the way over there. And due to the old "bros before hoes" mentality, I stayed with them; we went to another nearby bar and had a grand old time. (And actually I gave my number to the bartender who we met there, which is good b/c he seems like the type that could really rough me up, you know?)

So anyway, the time is getting close to 2, I am ready to throw in the towel on the "action" portion of the night, ready to walk home to my abnormally clean apartment alone. But then a miracle happens - I look down at my phone and I see 1 missed call, 1 new text!

Missed call: "K" ("K" is a young adorable ivy league recent grad who I met in Georgetown, of course. Just met - nothing more, b/c I was hosting a friend from out of town the night we met.) It was a good month ago, and we haven't met up again since - not for lack of trying but for lack of trying very much.

Text: "Are you on ______ street right now?" (I was!) All my friends had left or were about to leave right then, so I immediatley called him and told him that YES! I was in fact where he thought I was. Turns out he had passed by and thought he saw me. Sooooo we met a few blocks away, and seeing as how his place was a bit closer, we went there.

Here's the review: Cute guy, tall, preppy - so definitely attractive but not the type that really gets me goin (Im more into the rugged manly men), really great personality, I know, I know, that sounds weird b/c I am sposed to be describing hooking up with him but I think its cool when the guy is actually smart/funny/can carry on a convo either before/after/during if the need should arise. In terms of the fun factor, well it has been awhile for me (almost 2 weeks) so I was happy just to be doing it, but I will say that his style was a tad more ... traditional than I really care for. But it was our first time and I can understand why he'd play it safe and not wanna do anything too weird.

So, in conclusion: last night was hopefully the first step to solidify a regular, comfortable, hookup relationship with a smart, attractive, and conveniently located guy. See - a girl really can have it all - a fun night out with friends and some end of the night fun with one lucky guy!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tough predicaments...

- Really want to try out this DC Swingers club thing, (attend as a single woman, which is welcomed), but I don't want to go alone. And I don't have any friends (girls) who would go with me. I am trying actively to change that. How is it possible that I have the most conservative friends in the world?

- Am going out tomorrow night, and I think I might want to try to hook up but I don't know who with. There is one guy who I am semi-interested who I know will be out, but I am just not overly excited about him for some reason. There is always the possibility of meeting some awesome random guy and him taking me home and making all my dreams come true... but that is unlikely. And then there is "M", who would be my first choice (because he is the closest thing to perfect that I have found recently), but who didn't return my texts last weekend. Hmph!

So that leaves me in a predicament. If I think I am gonna bring a guy home I like to make sure my apartment is clean-ish, but then there is nothing worse than cleaning up and getting the apt. all sex-ready to have it not be utilized because I failed to find a suitable partner. (Actually shaving my... well legs/other places - it is the same exact thing. I don't want to go to the trouble of doing a really good job of it unless it is going to be put to good use, and of course the night that you tell yourself nothing will happen is the night you meet the aforementioned "awesome random guy who makes your dreams come true.")

Monday, October 20, 2008

The way to a man's heart

I am a big jumbo slice fan, but this weekend when I was in Adams Morgan I was in the mood for something a little different. Falafel was not going to cut it, and then I remembered that McDonald's at the top of the hill! I purchased a double quarter pounder with cheese, and this was no ordinary fast food burger. It looked like the kind that are carefully crafted and made of paint and all sorts of fake stuff that isn't food and then used in the commercials and print ads.

So anyway, I am strolling down the hill on my way home, stilettos clicking, and biting into this amazingly wonderful cheeseburger. Obviously it is slow going, because the sidewalks are completely swarmed with people, some just observing the neary ambulances which are typical of Adams Morgan at 3am, others catcalling at me. (Actually I think everyone in Adams Morgan was doing one of those two things.)

Just as I was passing Kalorama, and thought I was in the clear, this guy (who looked perfectly ordinary) saw me out of his peripheral vision, turned and continued walking, and then a half second later whipped his head around at lightning speed and gave me the most suprised/overwhelemed/mesmerized look I may have ever seen. It was like there was too much to take in all at once and his brain couldn't process it all. A moment later he sort of shook his head and came back to Earth.

He walked a few steps forward, and I thought he was just going to continue on his way, but then turned around and said to me that he just had to explain himself. "You know how you feel when you see a really hot guy walking an adorable little puppy dog? The guy equivalent of that is a hot girl eating a really delicious looking burger."

I thanked him for the insight. However, thanks to the lovely face and bod of my beloved Paris Hilton and the ad whizzes that figured this out a few years back, I was already up to speed.

And as a last note- I do NOT like when I see hot guys walking cute puppies, because that means that they have a girlfriend. So.... what good is that to me? Likewise, there was no way he was getting a bite of that burger. :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Introducing District Hottie

Blogging time!!!

I need an outlet to discuss the many and varied thoughts that run through my head each day, especially as they relate to me getting what I want in life!

(Drum roll please......)

My goal: Get to a position in my career (hopefully local or state govt. or a nonprofit) where I can make a difference in people's lives while still being able to live life in my own unconventional way, and not feel the need to apologize for not fitting into society's pre-defined roles for women.

Is it possible to have have both? I am in the process of figuring it all out... and perhaps this blog will help!

Now, I am not going to lie. I predict that many of my blogs will relate to my interactions with men. (Wink wink.) Some people may wonder why I spend so much of my time galavanting around the DC (and on occassion VA and MD) with so many different guys. Well, I am actively trying to figure out the way those people's minds work. I think it is essential to my own success, seeing as how currently men basically run this country. And I think women are short-sighted not to use our feminine charms to manipulate men and obtain opportunities that would not otherwise be available. Because let's face it- once we get the chance, and we prove we are way better at running things than men are, well, we won't need them anymore and won't be bound to them in any way. (Well, I guess we will need them around for a feeeww little favors here and there.)

And thus my blog begins!